Coloured uPVC Windows

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Stand out from the crowd with coloured window frames

Coloured window frames for every style of property

If you want the benefits of uPVC double glazing and the style of traditional wood frames, or you fancy a bold new look that stands out on the street, then Jefferstone Window's selection of coloured uPVC frames are the perfect solution. 
Contact us today!
high standards

Every single window is made to our very high standards

With our coloured uPVC frames, no matter your chosen colour or effect, they're made to the same high standards as our traditional white framed windows. You can still choose from a variety of styles, and each window is made to fit your home perfectly. 

By coming to us directly, you can save money and enjoy quality windows, doors and conservatories that last for years.
Examples of our work

A wide range of colours and finishes to choose from:

  • Traditional white
  • Black
  • Green
  • Grey
  • Wood effect (e.g. Oak, Mahogany)
Get in touch with our team for our full colour catalogue or to discuss ideas with an experienced window installer. 
Get in touch for a free quote
Jefferstone Windows
Considering coloured window frames? Contact Jefferstone Windows, Newport, for a free quotation on any coloured uPVC:

   Enquiry Form

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